New: Granite Lake Association Meeting Scheduled for Saturday July 15, 2023 at 10:00am at the Chapel by the Lake

Granite Lake Association. Annual meeting July 16, 2022

Bob Maden, president, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m., followed by the pledge of allegiance.

As copies of last year’s minutes had been distributed, motions to accept, and seconded were made. passed.

He introduced our speaker, Amanda McQuaid, state specialist and professor of water quality and freshwater toxicology. We’ve already had a cyanobacteria bloom in the inlet this year. They can be any color not just blue-green. They cannot be identified as toxic just by looking at them. Take a picture and email it to the lab right away for immediate warning if needed. Get a sample and send it in. Lab analysis takes a little too long. Nutrients flow right into the lake during these gullywashers we’ve been having of late. Some cyanobacteria are very toxic and can cause seizures while others may not be as toxic but stay out of the water and make sure any animals do too.

Causes include fertilizers, sediment, road salt, phosphorous, septic run-off.

The water inspectors have a meter now that can get results on-site in minutes. The EPA has a lot of resources we can use- check bloom app at EPA. NH Lakes has a Lake Smart program with extensive instructions on how to landscape one’s property to prevent much of the soil erosion and run-off. A book titled Landscaping at the Water’s Edge, put out by UNH is recommended.

Tom Newcombe reported that last year’s poor water quality due to so much rain has improved, but he was surprised how long it took to improve. This year’s test revealed stable phosphorous (epilimnion), chlorophyll-a, transparency, conductivity. ph (epilimnion) stable, but conductivity worsening. More detailed results for Granite Lake may be found at Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Reports Granite Lake, Stoddard. at DES’ site. Tom’s report was accepted after the usual motions.

Next up, Tom Newcombe’s financial report. Not including members signed up at the meeting, we had 83 family members and 13 individual members — $4675. great job Joanne and membership committee. Donation of T-shirt money $230. Thank You,
Sharon. Phil Hamilton Memorial donations. $3745. Water quality donations $1800. Balance of all three accounts $29,358.59. Hurray for us. A motion to accept was made and seconded, passed. Lake Host. Still looking for more volunteers — some of our older volunteers have
opted for 2 hour shifts which is leaving some holes open. Whatever hours our volunteers work goes toward $$ credit to pay our hourly weekend crew plus any carryover goes to next year. New Hampshire Lakes Assn. does the banking and payroll.

Sharon thanked everyone who has worked so hard inspecting and recording boats. Sharon’s (& Patty’s) report was accepted after motions made and seconded.

Bob asked us to remember those who have passed since last July.
Dave Costin, who was a founding member of the Granite Lake Village District.
Ron Slayton; Walt and Anita Crewson, & Tom Walton. All valuable members of the

Harris Center Purchases Granite Lake Headwaters

In June, the Harris Center closed on the purchase of the 515-acre Granite Lake Headwaters property in Stoddard, ensuring its permanent protection.

This parcel contains two headwater streams that flow under Route 9, into Nye Meadow, and on to Granite Lake in Stoddard and Nelson. In 2013, the land was purchased by a company that conducted extensive onsite timber operations. During that period of intensive road building and timber harvesting, sediment washed from the property into Granite Lake, raising concerns about water quality at that popular swimming, fishing, and boating spot.

The location of the Granite Lake Headwaters property (outlined in red), in relation to Granite Lake, Route 9, and a nearby corridor of conserved land (in green).


To read more details about this project to protect an important body of water for Cheshire County, please visit the Harris Center for Conservation Education's website.

To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of this project, select “Granite Lake Headwaters Protection Fund” as the program for your online donation.

You can also make a donation by printing out this form and mailing it into the Harris Center with the instructions on the second page.